
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What the...? #1

Holy. Smokes. Yes. I am still alive. Thanks for being patient and not writing me off as a blogger. I haven't posted something with any substance for weeks. After starting to volunteer coach, Thanksgiving and Christmas hit and I posted far less than the blissful summer days of the past. Then, 2012 appeared and bam! we are over halfway done with another January. Crazy, crazy.

For a while now, I have been wishing I had some laugh worthy google searches that people land at my blog, like Erin at His & Hers. Bev over at Flamingo Toes shares funny ones each week, too. But mine seem boring. Rather, very normal, as in it makes complete sense that someone would type "itty bitty baby booties" into google and end up on my blog.

Slowly, however, I have saved up some funnier ones and thought this would be a fun post to reemerge into posting regularly again. Here we go, the first edition of What the...? Themed mostly around searches that make you wonder why on earth someone would type that into google, let alone land on my blog.

chicken and cheese rolls from the 30's
       This really wouldn't be super strange if the last 3 words were left off. But narrowing it down to from the 30's? Huh?! This recipe for Baked Chicken Cheese Filled Rolls (not from the 30's) must have reeled them in.

because i love you fin skrift
       Again, without the last two words, this one would be a totally normal search. But "fin skrift" just makes the search ridiculous. Maybe it was fat fingers on a phone typing...maybe. I'm about 100% certain they found this anniversary gift I made my friends this past summer.

watermelon stereotype
       Someone please tell me what a watermelon stereotype is, when you have a minute of course. No rush. I've posted loads of watermelon related things, so who knows what qualified as a stereotype. Or why my blog popped up in the results.

superman birds cake
       Does superman have birds? Are birds superman-like? Who wants this combination on a cake? I even tried typing this into google to see what content on my blog comes up in a search. Want to know what it is? Nothing on the first page, which means someone was far deeper into the results of this search than I am willing to look. 

       What exactly were they looking for? A knife going through a Halloween cupcake? I just don't quite understand why knife was part of this search. I do appreciate the implied Boolean logic in making sure all three words show up in search results. My guess is they came across my Halloweenified Cookies & Cream Cupcakes

"fried mashed potato" -egg -eggs
       Maybe the best one on this list, just because it's so hard to make sense of it. Using the "-" signifies alternate endings for one of the words they searched, but friegg/s mashegg/s or potatoegg/s just don't work. I'm sure something from my Mashed Potato Cakes post appeared.

Well, that will do for now. Please share any funny searches with me if you have them! Cracks me up. Yes, I've been known to start typing words into google just to see what others have searched for. And if you need more funny searches check out Whoogles.


  1. hahaha my favorite is the rolls from the 30s. :) I just got one for "The couple who had ‘Black and White’ twins… twice." :P

  2. hilarious! i was actually laughing out loud. some very odd searches, indeed!
