
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rainbow Birthday Cake

My niece turned 4 years old a couple weeks ago and due to her Poppa Rod being out of town, her mom having her final finals of college and this and that, her birthday party was delayed a bit, but it was quite a fun time when it finally happened. Thankfully, 4 is still young enough to not be upset by such things. Technically, we celebrated her birthday for 10 days. Not a bad way to go.

Addison is slightly obsessed with My Little Pony. In fact, she has asked us numerous times on various occasions to call her Shutterfly Addison. When my Grauntie Les arrived from Boise and called her that, she was quite excited. (Yes, you read that right, Great + Auntie = Grauntie.)

Of course, I was so excited when it was decided that the birthday party theme would be My Little Pony because that meant I could make a rainbow cake like I've seen on pinterest! I topped it with Rainbow Dash and the white pony with purple hair...whichever celestial name that one is.

Blowing out her candles...

And ta-da!

Photo credit: Michelle Waters

I just LOVE how it looks on the inside! In case you were wondering, I used 3 boxes of white cake mix and colored the batter with food coloring, just like the multi-colored cupcakes. Baking the layers in a 9 inch pan, I used 1.5 cups batter. Next time, I will probably just use 1 cup of batter for each color because it was too tall to cover on my cake stand or in my cake transporter. If you do just 1 cup per layer, you can get away with 2 boxes of cake mix because I had plenty leftover...which I made into cake pops - I'll show ya later!

Then, I made the filling, which just happens to be the best in the world and my absolute favorite, vanilla cream. You have got to try it. Seriously. Finally, I covered the whole thing in buttercream frosting, based on Michelle's super yummy recipe.

This picture has not had any filter like the one above, which was filtered on Instagram.

Oh and we also had rainbow fruit kebobs. They turned out great and fit the rainbow theme nicely, while adding a bit of healthiness to the party.

I still can't believe she is 4. When we were driving away from the party and she was all buckled in her car seat, she said with a sigh, "I have everything I ever want." Word for word. I'm reminding her of that when she gets older. She is my favorite.

This post is linked up to some of the parties listed under my Show & Tell tab at the top of the page. 


  1. That cake was so awesome! good job auntie!!

    1. Thanks Kace! I'm pretty sure being an Auntie is the coolest thing I've got to do in life.

  2. Loved it! So tasty and so pretty. Addison is a lucky girl!

    1. Thanks Michelle! So happy you all made it down to enjoy a slice!

  3. So glad I just stumbled upon this on a search for the perfect doable at home/not purchased MLP cake - My daughter will be 5 this week and this is what we're doing! Thanks so much!

    1. You're welcome! I'm so glad you came across this post. Happy 5th birthday to your daughter! Take care.

    2. Just put the cake together with the filling in it :) Waiting for the butter to come to room temp! SO excited to decorate it later!

    3. Well, now I want to make another one! Yummy! Have fun today!
