
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bee Sew Happy

Doesn't it just make you so happy to finish something? I love that my sister likes sewing with me. It's nice to have someone who can geek out about fabric, get giddy over picking patterns and then happily show off finished products with, especially since Michelle and I live entirely too far away from each other. If this wasn't the case, the 3 of us would be doing previously mentioned old lady things all together.

Months ago, I showed off her first baby blanket she made that I was so excited about. Now that she finished this fleece bee pillow, I couldn't help but share it since it is just so dang cute. I love rick rack.

She used the pattern by Simplicity #2197. (Link goes to the cheapest I found it online, but you can always keep an eye out for JoAnn's 99 cent pattern sales, too!) The shapes really aren't too hard though, so you could always just eyeball it to replicate it. As a beginner, she did find the pattern easy and quick. Plus, the pattern, per usual, called for far more fabric than needed, which means there will probably be a second bee sewn for a gift.


  1. Thanks! My husband just graduated at the end of December from OSU!

  2. What a cute little pillow for a kids room! Old lady things=my idea of a good time. :)

  3. what a cute snuggle buddy for someone to cuddle up to. thanks for linking this up to my tip-toe thru tuesday party last week! hope to see you this week!
