
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Heart Baker's Twine

If you've been reading for very long, you know I will shamelessly promote things I love. I believe my most recent plug was regarding the iPhone app, Instagram. And here I go again...

Go to Pick Your Plum right now if:

     a) you have never been
     b) you love crafts
     c) you love awesome discounts (Groupon-esque)
     d) any combination of a, b and/or c

If you didn't pick up on it already, Pick Your Plum offers a one day deep discount on craft related items. I've been getting their daily deals for a couple weeks now and have already purchased 2 things, one of them being my new love: Baker's Twine.

Photo credit: Pick Your Plum

I used it tonight for the first time to wrap an anniversary gift I made. (Stay tuned for what's inside!)

Photo credit: Purplest Pecalin

I really love the simplicity of it when combined with the brown postal paper. I can't wait to use more of it. I've got a handful of ideas...

[Anyone see the smidgen of irony in this post? ... I'll help ya out. I used Instagram for one the photo above! Told ya I heart it!]

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