
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Time Whoopie Pie-r

For my birthday this past year, my friend Cara got me Wilton's whoopie pie pan. I am juuuust getting around to trying it out. Here's how it all went down.

I decided to test out the recipe on the packaging for both the whoopie pies and the filling. My trusty assistant baker, Addison, was very keen on being involved with every step. She is 3 and the way she says the words "whoopie pie" makes me laugh every time. She would laugh too, like whoopie was the coolest new word she had heard. Probably was at that moment in her life.

Wilton's Whoopie Pie (makes 12 pies, 24 cakes)
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup buttermilk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly butter or spray your whoopie pie pan.

Beat butter and sugar with an electric mixer on medium until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the egg and vanilla, beating until well combined.

In a separate bowl, sift the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt). Add about half of this mixture to the butter/sugar mixture, mixing on low. Add the buttermilk and continue to add the rest of the dry ingredients while mixing, until all ingredients are just combined.

The recipe says to spoon 2 T into each cavity, making each one 2/3 full. I did this and mine turned out way too big for my liking. Once assembled they were larger than a cupcake. I will stick to 1 T (maybe a heaping Tablespoon) from now on when I bake whoopie pies.

Bake for 8-10 minutes or until the tops of the cakes spring back when touched. Allow the cakes to cool in the pan for at least 8 minutes before removing. Make sure the cakes are completely cooled before filling.  

Start making the filling after the cakes have been cooling for at least a few minutes so when you are done with the filling, they are ready to assemble.

Wilton's Whoopie Pie Filling (makes 2 1/2 cups, enough to generously fill 12 pies)
6 T butter, softened
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 (7oz) jar marshmallow creme
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Beat butter with electric mixer until creamy. Add sugar and salt, mixing well. Add marshmallow creme and vanilla. Mix until blended well. Add food coloring if desired. Use immediately to fill whoopie pies. The filling can be refrigerated up to 1 week, but must be brought back to room temperature and lightly beat before using again.

I have a love/hate relationship with marshmallows. For one, I always want to spell the word with an e before the double l's so I get that annoying swiggly red line under it telling me it's wrong, just like every time I have typed whoopie on here. Anyway, I also find them weird. Not super descriptive, I know. But really, the only time I ever eat marshmallows is when I am camping and get to roast them over the fire. I'm also fairly certain I only like them at this time is because of the combination with graham crackers with chocolate and they are just campfire tradition.

That all being said, I will probably not use this filling again. Are all whoopie pie fillings marshmallow based? I feel like I've seen cream cheese ones...I'll have to do some research. Regardless, I do plan on using one of the best tasting fillings known to man I discovered a few weeks ago. Plus, I will probably try a new recipe for the pies themselves, just to taste test, you know.

This post is linked up to some of the parties listed under my Show & Tell tab at the top of the page.


  1. This looks scrumptious! I'd love for you to share this at my party:

    I hope to see you soon:)

    1. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you'll stop back often and share some more :)

  2. Looks wonderful!!! I want a whoopie pie pan! (and that really IS a funny word - I'll agree with your little baker) =o)

  3. This looks delicious! I think I may have to go get a pan to make some, myself! Would be great to hold place cards at a party... hmmm... Would love to have you share it with my readers at second EVER linky party this week! Wonderful job... looks yumm---o!

  4. looks great! i'm quite the baker and oddly enough i've never made a whoopie pie!

