
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hunger Games T-Shirts

I'm 24 years old and have never been to a midnight premiere of any movie. I have grown up as the Harry Potter movies were released, but just never made it to a midnight showing. Last summer, after I finished reading the Hunger Games trilogy, I declared that I would be attending the midnight showing of the first movie. I loved the books and was pretty excited to see how it was adapted to a movie. All in all, there ended up being 10 of us in a group and some of us made puffy paint shirts. Here's the back of mine.

Even though this quote is from the third book, I chose it because I love it and wasn't sure if I would ever go to another midnight showing and make shirts. I ended up drawing everyone's mockingjays, so if you need one drawn, let me know. Along the bottom right hand side I wrote:

Here a few of us are, fanatic shirts and all.

So, my take on a midnight showing with far too many teeny boppers? Never again. Well, of course when my niece begs me to take her and her friends to the big defining movie of her adolescence, I will. But, never again will I subject myself to the "Ohhhhhs" and "Awwwws" and the high pitched giggles with nearly every scene. I'm not trying to be negative Nancy here, but it was pretty ridiculous. I'll wait at least a few days after the opening night for the next 2 HG movies, or any other mega movies that come out for that matter. I cannot even fathom what Twilight movie theaters are like. Makes me gag a little.

And now, just for a few laughs, Hunger Games related some e cards.

Well, there ya have it. Have you seen The Hunger Games? Read the books? Been to any insane midnight showings? Tell me!

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