
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Breakfast for dinner, also known as Brinner, is always excitedly welcomed in our house. My mom and dad started this with us when we were younger. I'm sure Brinner is an anticipated treat in your house, too. Could you resist these at any point throughout the day?

I would eat breakfast for every meal if I could, so once I saw these cinnamon roll pancakes - and instantly repinned it on to my Breakfast Board of course - I was just waiting for an excuse to make them.

The thing is, these are insanely easy to make. There are 3 parts to this deliciousness: pancake batter, cinnamon drizzle and icing. You could use a homemade pancake batter if you wish, or one of those yummy pumpkin pancake recipes I've seen around blogland. However, this time, I just used a box mix, so I don't have a recipe to share for pancake mix today.

Next, the cinnamon drizzle. It is ideal to have a bottle to squeeze the drizzle out of and onto the pancake. I used a Wilton squeeze bottle which can be found in the baking isle at JoAnn's or Michaels, and are inexpensive at $2 for 2. Or an old honey bottle or something similar would work, too! [Update: One of my readers said she tried making these and ended up using a baby medicine syringe thing to squirt the cinnamon drizzle out. Genius Emily!]

I found the cinnamon drizzle recipe linked above to not be nearly liquid enough. I don't think I misread the recipe but mine was just a chunky, very unsqueezeable, brown sugar/cinnamon mixture after following the recipe. So here is what I mixed together to make it able to squeeze out of a bottle to swirl into your batter:

1/2 cup brown sugar
1 t ground cinnamon
1 T butter, melted
2-3 T milk - start slow and add until you think it is the right consistency (you may need a little more)

Expert Tip: Make sure your cinnamon drizzle can squeeze some out of your bottle before you pour your batter onto the skillet. Or else, you end up still needing to thin it, while your pancakes quickly begin to turn brown and needing to be flipped. Hence, the following picture.

Yes, that is not how you make cinnamon roll pancakes, although it still tastes pretty darn good. The pancakes needed flipped before I was able to thin the cinnamon drizzle even more to squeeze it out of the bottle. Thankfully, there were more pancakes to be made, so allow me to try again.

There we go. Much better. And, I was so excited I made the second round of pancakes correctly, because after flipping them over as you normally would to finish up, the cinnamon drizzle created a very real cinnamon roll-like "ditch" where you could unravel the pancake. They really look just like a cinnamon roll!

These are wonderful cinnamon pancakes to eat just as they are once finished. But, if you want cinnamon roll pancakes, they must be iced with cinnamon roll frosting. Here's the regular frosting recipe (halved) that worked out well from Erin (a fellow Oregon blogger!) at Making Memories, the blog I found via Pinterest. The recipe halved (shown below) is the perfect amount of frosting for about 8 hand sized pancakes, depending on your generosity.

3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/4 tsp. butter, melted
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1/2 Tbsp. milk (almond milk works just great, add more if you want it to be thinner)

Erin also lists a cream cheese frosting and a maple frosting! Go check them out if you like. I'm definitely trying the maple one next time. And yes, as if these needed to be any more sugary sweet, that is a little drizzle of maple syrup on the little pancake above. What can I say, I don't have just one sweet tooth, but many sweet teeth.

This post is linked up to some of the parties listed under my Show & Tell tab at the top of the page. Go check them out for more inspiration!


  1. Yum! These look like an awesome brinner (or breakfast)!

  2. umm... yum. Allison just suggested breakfast for dinner sometime soon. These may be on the menu. Delicioso!

  3. Yum! That looks amazing. I saw it on Pinterest too but thankful for your step-by-step! I'm hungry now...

  4. Those look so yummy!! I think I am going to have to make those! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Yum! This looks great!


  6. Oh. My. Gosh. What a great idea! Thanks so much for linking up at A Little Nosh! You're being featured this weekend. Feel free to grab a button and show off. :-)

  7. I so want to make these now... :) I would love it if you would link this up to the Holiday Sweet Swap that I'm co-hosting. Just jump over to and you'll see the button on the left side bar.

  8. Thank you so much for linking back to me! What a great post (and all the blog <3) So glad you made them and liked them. My kids now ask for them every time they have a friend over on the weekend.

  9. MMMMmmm those look so good! Ill have to try them!

  10. mmm looks delicious, your newest follower, Karima

  11. I think we're making them in two weeks!! :)

  12. Almost a sin to eat these! I'm glad you shared. I'm a new follower, so stop by and follow too if you like. Happy New Year!

  13. This looks amazing-I'm your newest follower-stop by for a visit!
