
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Strawberry Pickin'

Yesterday afternoon, notably one of the warmest we have had at 85 degrees (yay mild Oregon summers), my mom, sisters, niece and I went to pick strawberries at Grandpa's Farm - not our grandpa, just the name of the farm.

Of course, Addison ended up with a whopping 3 nearly-not-smushed berries in her tub, the rest in her tummy, or on her face.

Keeping in strict toddler fashion, she didn't leave the patch dirt-less either.

My sisters and I picked about 17 pounds of strawberries! At 90 cents a pound, I couldn't resist.

I've got a handful of ideas that our bowls of berries will turn into. I'll share the outcomes soon enough!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Strawberries at $.90 a pound! I would have picked 17 pounds, too! I love freezing them and then having them on waffles during the winter.
